Ken had to attend a meeting at the National Stadium. A few days before the meeting, he told Buzzy of the Rock Wall at the shopping mall next to the offices. He showed some video clips of humans climbing the wall and explained some of the basic things to remember for a smooth climb.

Buzzy was excited and watched more videos on his own, hoping that he will master it quicker. Like all first timers of a wall climb, he received some basic instructions on strapping himself up and safety precautions. He could not wait to get himself up the wall.

While waiting for this turn, he carefully watched as people climbed the rock wall effortlessly. They had done it many times before. He certainly hoped to climb up and then rappel down as smoothly as they did.

Buzzy’s first tries were not very smooth. His metal feet had trouble getting a good grip on the uneven surface of the fake rocks. But because he was a driven and persistent robot, he changed his plan quickly. He remembered from the video how people moved. And he quickly adapted his weight distribution method accordingly.

Buzzy finally got the hang of it after a few tries. With each small win step up the wall, his confidence grew, which made him want to keep going. Buzzy’s drive was a big factor in how well he handled the difficult route and made steady progress towards the top.

After the struggles, Buzzy finally reached the top of the rock wall. As he surveyed his surroundings from the highest point, he felt a surge of electronic satisfaction. Buzzy couldn’t help but feel proud of himself, even though he was inanimate. He had just showed to himself that hard work and determination had their rewards.

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